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Dorwest to partner with Kate Humble

Issue: 11/10/2024


Award-winning herbal pet care experts at Dorwest Herbs have announced their  partnership with television presenter and writer, Kate Humble, supporting their annual campaign  helping to calm anxiety in pets due to loud noises including fireworks.
Kate’s television career has spanned almost three decades, with her passion for wildlife and travel  crossing over to broadcasting, including Springwatch, Escape to the Farm and Countryfile. As an avid  dog lover and fan of natural supplements, Kate is supporting Dorwest’s calming range this autumn.
Kate also comes with first-hand experience of supporting her dogs with anxiety so understands  how worrying it can be. She says: “The most important thing to do is be calm yourself - and plan  ahead. It’s always hard to know how to help, but Dorwest herbal remedies to calm are a fantastic  solution. It’s great to be able to fully support their campaign, and I’ll be giving [my dogs] Teg and  Mouse Scullcap & Valerian Tablets this year to help support their fireworks anxiety.”
Year on year fireworks events have become more popular and widespread, which can cause upset to  pets everywhere. With 57% of households now owning a pet (Statistica 2023), the experts in herbal  pet care at Dorwest helps prepare pets with calming natural remedies for general anxieties, including: 
- Scullcap & Valerian Tablets - with active herbs naturally supporting the calming pathways  within the nervous system; reducing anxiety without immobilising muscles or causing  drowsiness.
- Valerian Compound - Containing pure extracts of three herbs in liquid form, it acts within  just 30 minutes, with calming effects lasting for up to two hours.
Dorwest’s calming campaign for fireworks runs this year from 23rd September to 5th November, and  annually conveys ways to keep pets calm and stress-free during the fireworks season. 
Kate is the ideal partner to support the campaign, as she believes looking after any animal is a huge  responsibility – including keeping animals fit and healthy, ensuring a good diet and enough  stimulation, and seeking other proven support such as herbal remedies, stating: “There is great  pleasure to be had from having a happy, healthy animal – and the rewards you get in return are  priceless.” 
Managing Director at Dorwest Jo Boughton-White states: “We’re so excited to partner with Kate, as  a lifelong wildlife enthusiast and dog lover! She’s got direct experience of anxious pets and has also  seen the benefits of supplements with her own dogs, so it’s a pleasure to work with such an  esteemed broadcaster within the animal industry.”
Until 5th November 2024, receive 25% off Scullcap & Valerian Tablets and Valerian Compound  when bought together as a calming combo. Simply use promo code FIREWORKS24 at checkout.
Follow @dorwest this autumn for more support on pet anxiety, visit, or call one  of the friendly and expert team on 01308 897272 or email for more information.